In-person anxiety therapy Spalding, Lincolnshire & online anxiety therapist worldwide
Contact Vic, your anxiety specialist therapist in Spalding, Lincolnshire
Oh, you're here to inquire about therapy? Brilliant.
Let me guess - you've tried meditation apps, breathing exercises, and possibly reorganizing your entire house at 3AM? How fascinating. And how's that working out?
If you're ready for something rather different - therapy that doesn't come with a side of mindfulness clichés or a prescription for green tea - then we should talk. I promise not to suggest downloading any apps.
If you're in crisis right now, you need help faster than private therapy can offer it.
Please contact:
The ambulance or the police on 999
NHS 111 for mental health support
The Samaritians on 116 123
Remember - you're worthwhile, and you matter.
Ready to ditch your anxiety forever?
Let me help you make your escape plan. Here's how you can contact me:
Telephone: 07912 682 412
Fantastic Day
c/o State 11
48 West Elloe Avenue
Spalding, Lincs
PE11 2BH
"Do the words need changing?"
Brian Eno