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About Provocative Change Works

Tired of your therapist treating your anxiety like it's a delicate Victorian lady with a case of the vapours? Excellent! You're in the right place. 

What is Provocative Change Works?

How Frank Farrelly and Nick Kemp changed therapy forever

Back in the 1960s, an American therapist named Frank Farrelly got fed up with traditional therapy's "there, there, let's talk about your childhood" approach. He discovered that helping people see the ridiculous side of their problems - while showing genuine warmth and understanding - "like talking to an old friend" - created faster, more lasting change than years of nodding sympathetically. 


Fast forward to today, and Nick Kemp (who trained me personally, thank you every much) has developed this into Provocative Change Works. Think of it as therapy with both a backbone and a sense of humour. 

Lego Minifigure Heads at Fantastic Day Therapy Spalding

How Provocative Change Works therapy is different

Traditional therapy often treats anxiety like a bomb that might go off at any moment:

  • "Let's explore those feelings..." (while anxiety makes a cup of tea and settles in for a long chat)

  • "Try some deep breathing..." (while anxiety raids your biscuit tin)

  • "What does your inner child think?" (while anxiety starts planning next week's disasters)

PCW, on the other hand, helps you see how ridiculous anxiety's demands are. There you are, running yourself ragged trying to meet your anxiety's increasing absurd requirements:

  • Cataloguing every possible disaster at 3AM (Excellent service, very thorough)

  • Checking that email 47 times before sending? (Impeccable attention to detail)
    Planing seventeen backup plans for a trip to Sainsbury's? (Superior contingency planning)

See how silly it sounds when we put it like that?  


"Huge help to me! Would recommend you every time!"

Sharon M.

How PCW actually works (yes, it's more than just witty comebacks)

Unlike traditional therapy where you'll spend years talking about your childhood while anxiety makes itself at home in your life, PCW works differently. Rather than reading from a script or following a rigid format, we have real conversations that challenge how you've been serving anxiety. 


Think of it as anxiety with both a backbone and a sense of humour. We'll look at your situation from angles you've never considered, probably laugh at it (yes, really), and make changes that actually stick. 

Why this works (and no, it's not just because I'm charming)

Provocative Change Works therapy gets such awesome results for anxious clients because: 

  • It challenges your relationship with anxiety without challenging you

  • It uses humour strategically, not just for laughs

  • Combines warmth with strategic questions (it's like talking to an old friend... who won't listen to your excuses)

  • Actually creates lasting change (instead of just giving your anxiety a comfy sofa to lie on)

Will Provocative Change Works work for me?

Ready to deal with your anxiety the Provocative way?

Let's start with:

  • Free 15 minute chat (no life story required)

  • If we click, you get a booking link

  • Two initial sessions (£99 each, 90 - 120 minutes), available in person in Spalding, Lincs or online world-wide 

  • More if you need them, but only if actually useful


"The most wasted day of all days is one without laughter."

E. E. Cummings (clearly would have been a fan of provocative therapy)

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